Wednesday, September 9, 2009

She is just like me!

Last night Haley and Olivia were getting ready to go to a soccer game with our neighbors. Haley took Olivia's money and candy and put it in her pocket. When Chad and I told her to give it back, she threw it across the room. I told her to sit down in time out because she was not going to the soccer game, because of the fit she just threw. Next thing I know, she is completely out of control screaming and hitting every thing in sight including me. At one point she was yelling at Chad (I'm not exactly sure what she was saying, but something along the lines of please let me go!) I was pretty angry, but trying to hold back a laugh, because I distinctly remember having a very similar fit when I was about 10 years old. My parents would not let me go to a basketball game, because I was being mouthy, and I lost it. Chad tells me all the time that she has my attitude, and up until last night, I thought that was a good thing! I ended up holding my ground as the parent and did not let her go to the game, although it would have been so much easier to just let her go, so she would stop yelling. I guess my new prayer is that she will put that "tude" to good use!


  1. My dad used to say "when you grow up and have kids, I hope you have one just like yourself"...I know that I was pretty hard to live with during the pre-teen years(I am an angel now). So...what did I get...twins! And never mind the three other girls that followed behind! He is laughing!

  2. Parenting is hard business sometimes! I like to dwell on all the times being like me is a good thing,lol ;0)

  3. I remember this well except you were more like fourteen not ten. It was entertaining but also quite surprising since this by far was your worst ever. Wait until Haley's pms kicks in, todays tude will be nothing in comparison.
