Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Haley!

My little pumpkin turns 6 today! Wow, time has certainly flown by! She has grown into such a great little girl. She is strong-willed and sassy at times, but is definitely mommy's little baby. She loves to cuddle on the couch and watch her favorite show Dog Town. She will be starting first grade next week, I can hardly believe it. She is afraid to learn to ride a bike without training wheels, and to go off the diving board at the pool. She is a social butterfly, entertaining every one with her cute jokes and attitude. She is inseparable from her best friend Pieper, and the two of them could not be any more alike. She has my spunk, and Chad's sense of humor. It seems like only yesterday, I sat through the bar exam with her kicking my bladder and making me have to take breaks every hour! I am so proud to call her my baby!

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