Monday, April 19, 2010

What will I do at 32?

On Saturday I turned 32. I am not one who worries about getting another year older (at least not yet anyway)! Tonight on my run I started to think about what I want out of my 32nd year. What do I want for myself? My family? What plans do I have and what are my dreams? Here's to 32:

1) At 32 I will run my first marathon! I can't wait for this challenge and adventure. I am looking forward to sharing the day with several of my running buddies, but especially looking forward to crossing the finish line with Beth by my side, and as Beth always says hopefully with our arms raised high! If all goes well, I may also run my 2nd marathon in the fall!

2) At 32 I will pray over my children each and every night. I will pray for their todays, tomorrows and forevers.

3) At 32 I will celebrate 10 years of marriage to my best friend and love of my life.

4) At 32 I will walk 60 miles in 3 days so that one day we may all live in a world without breast cancer. I did this at 31 too, and it is still one of the best experiences of my life.

5) At 32 I will welcome a new niece or nephew into the world! I can't wait to meet Trent and Carrie's new little one in September. I will also welcome the births of the children of 2 close friends.

6) At 32 I hope to do better in keeping up with birthdays and anniversaries.

7) At 32 I will continue to represent the wrongfully accused and some "rightly" accused and vow to do my best to make sure that everyone gets the justice they deserve, whatever that may be.

8) At 32 I hope to keep a secretary for the entire year! 31 was a rough year for me with secretaries. I believe we went through 4, or was it 5? Shelley is definitely a keeper though!

9) At 32 I hope my children to teach my children to love life, love Jesus and love each other.

10) At 32 I hope to have a girls getaway weekend with my sisters! We haven't had one in several years, and I miss my sisters!

I am looking forward to 32!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Jamie...I hope 32 is all you dream it will be!!!
