My birthday is coming up! I love birthdays, mine, friends, family, it does not matter! I just love to celebrate those close to me. I am really excited for this birthday, because it is going to be a really busy but fun day! Olivia has a gymnastics meet, which is always enjoyable! She is doing so well and its fun to cheer her on. Then we have a dinner auction fundraiser for the day care the kids went to when they were little. We do all the legal work for WCLS and the dinner is always an enjoyable evening. After that, it is out for another fun Boobalicious Babes fundraiser night! We will be doing our Woodstock Pub Crawl and hoping to raise even more money for our 3 day walk. I am going to sidetrack for just a second, and ask if you have made your donation to my 3 day account yet? If not, will you seriously consider a donation so that one day we will have a world without breast cancer??
But, back to the title of this post. My awesome hubby gave me my birthday present early! I recently crashed another ipod, and have been left using my cell phone for my music. So, Chad got me a new ipod nano! Its my favorite color GREEN, and on the back he had it engraved with Jamie Wombacher and Run Jamie Run! I cannot wait to run tonight and try it out! My marathon is quickly approaching and this gift could not have come at a better time! Isn't it so cool?